Things are great down here in El Paso. The people are very humble and kind. At least so far.
We have seen a lot of miracles here! The Lord really does bless His missionaries!
This week we almost hit standards! We found seven news (new contacts) this week! It was a little rough at the beginning of the week but then we started finding people who are ready to be taught!
My companions and I had our first Spanish referral! We found this man street contacting and he didn't speak a word of English. But somehow we were able to ask him if we could sing him a song and he said yes! We sung "Families can be together forever" in Espanol! He loved it! Then we asked if we could send missionaries that speak more Spanish and asked for his name, direction (address), and telephone number! The Lord helps His missionaries move the work forward! He helped us remember the very minimal words we knew and put them to use! Yo sé que Jesucristo vive! El Libro de mormon es la verdad!
The next day we walked out of a lesson and we noticed that the neighborhood that we were in was very lively. It was unusual. We decided to go see what was going on. It turns out a woman lost her four year old son. We started walking around the neighborhood trying to look for this little boy and he ended up being in bed asleep. We didn't find this out until after thirty minutes of looking. at least he was not lost. But when we were walking the neighborhood looking for this boy, a muy grande perro (a very big dog) saw us and started barking up a storm. The dog started running after us ( it was still inside a fence) we started walking faster and then all we heard was a big thud. The dog tried to jump over and hit the top of his fence! Thank goodness for big tall eight foot fences!
The First picture:
We helped a Lady out in our Ward do some cleaning and it was a blessed day because I was got to wear my chacos. They are my most favorite shoes ever. My feet were very happy to be able to breathe!
Second picture:
These are some really cute girls who we are teaching. They know a lot about the gospel! They are so funny! They know a lot about tiktok pop culture. They have a peppa the pig in their living room and they all say in unison "peppa what are you doing in my living room?" They are a hoot! They remind me of my little sisters Amy, Bella and Scarlett!
Scripture of the week:
John 15:19
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
This week has been a little rough. People haven't been the kindest and some things people say have been very rude. But we just have to remember that the Lord is always on our side! And that we are all children of God and that they really don't mean what they say!
Having a Positive attitude helps a lot!
Keep on keeping on! Have a great week everyone!
Sister Susanna Tracy