Monday, August 26, 2019

AUGUST 24, 2019 -- WEEK 1 1/2 AT THE MTC

Hello Everyone! 

This week has been a short one! Here at the MTC the days are so long and the weeks go by so fast. It feels like I have been here forever but it's only been a week and a half. Eleven days!  I have made a lot of new friendships this week. In my zone, there are four Sisters from Tonga and Samoan. Here are some of the things they taught me to say!

"Hello, my name is Sister Tracy"
Tongan- Ko hoku higoa ko Sister Tracy
Samoan- Talofa, o lou igoa o Sister Tracy

"I believe in Christ" 
Tongan- Kou tui kia Kalaisi
Samoan- Ou te talitonu ia Keriso

"God is our loving Heavenly Father"
Tongan- Ko e tau otua ofa
Samoan- O le Atua o se tama alofa

August 19, 2019
Monday was a blur. We had a service project at 6:25 in the morning. We were put to work in the Gym! Sister Webb (a Sister in my district) and I swept the stairwells. The other Sisters vacuumed and wiped windows and cleaned the bathrooms! I thought it wouldn't be fun so early in the morning but it was great! Sister Webb and I made the most out of the work we did! But on a side note, they keep the MTC relatively clean all the time so it feels like you are doing nothing! But I have definitely found a love for service! For the rest of the day on Monday we had class and a TRC appointment. (TRC is short for Teaching Resource Center.) We taught four lessons today! We taught a lady named Beth the first lesson, and a lady named Jade the first lesson as well. It's only been one full week and I feel like I can teach a lesson to anyone! I have so much confidence and I am very eager to get out to the mission field! 

August 20, 2019
Tuesday was a great day!! All this week I have been feeling a little bit discouraged and stressed! My mind hasn't been too overwhelmed, but my body isn't used to waking up at 6:30 every morning and staying up until 9 or 10:30 pm without ANY naps! It's been hard but good! We had class all morning! Nothing too exciting to document! All day I was looking forward to the MTC devotional that was going to happen later in the evening. Once the time came, Sister Risenmay and I and the other Sisters in our district went to sing in the choir! When we were practicing, some Senior Missionaries came by and told all of the Sisters to pull our hair back and to the Elders to take all of their pens out of their pockets. They said that some one special was coming and that this devotional was going to be broadcasted to all the other MTC's all over the world.

Elder Bednar came to speak to us this week! It was such a great talk! The main points were, Be a good boy/girl. Be humble and know that God is with you. We need to stop stressing and worrying about ourselves. We need to be 100% focused on the Lord's work! It was a great talk and made me think that I need to stop worrying and stressing about the little things in my life. For example, one thing I like to complain about is waking up so early! But I am just going to have to get over it! 

August 21-23, 2019
(Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) were all a blur. My companion, Sister Risenmay, jammed her thumb this week playing volleyball. We had to go to the Health Center on Thursday. Then on Friday, we got to leave campus and go to BYU's Urgent Care to get an x-ray of her hand! Leaving MTC Campus was the highlight of my week! Anything gets us excited now that we don't have phones or access to media! This Tuesday on August 27, we get to go to another doctor appointment and this time we get to ride a shuttle away from the MTC! I CAN'T WAIT!

This week has been great! Another little fun thing I do in the MTC is me and my older sisters have a secret hiding spot, where we leave each other notes and little things! It's super fun when I go out for exercise time and check the spot and there is something there! It's a good thing that keeps me positive and upbeat in the MTC! I love being able to attend the Provo Temple every Preparation Day! It is a good refresher to my week and helps me keep my focus in the right place! Also I got my flight plans today for my departure to New Mexico! I'm so excited!  

Scripture of the Week! 

D&C 6: 34-37
34 Therefore, Fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.
35 Behold, I do not condemn you; go your ways and sin no more; perform with soberness the work which I have commanded you.
36 Look unto me in every thought doubt not, fear not.
37 Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet; be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

Be a good boy/girl this week! Try and look for the hand of God in your life! He lives and loves you all! 

Talk to you all next Saturday! Peace and Blessing to you all!

Sister Susanna Tracy

Sister Risenmay and I off of MTC campus! We are very excited as you can tell!

Elder Todd! My social dance partner at BYUI is in the MTC! How exciting! He will be serving in Fiji!


Just a photo of myself in front of the demolition! Enjoy

Sister Risenmay and I waiting to hear Elder Bednar!

Sister Wallentine, Sister Risenmay, myself and Sister Gwilliams!

Friday, August 23, 2019


Missionary Training Center
Provo, Utah

Saturday, 8/17/2019

Hello Friends and Family! I am alive and well!

The Missionary Training Center has been great!

I have a companion, Sister Risenmay. She is such a sweet sister, we get along very well! I am so pleased that I have someone that I can get along with. It makes the MTC much more enjoyable. I have been super busy every single day! Being busy is great and it helps me keep my mind on studying and classwork. Being homesick is not allowed! But it comes and goes!

I entered into the MTC at 1:15 pm. It was hard leaving my family but once the band-aide was ripped off and 30 more minutes went by everything was okay. Everyone kept telling me that I looked sad and wanted to give me a hug. Everyone is super super nice here and very Christlike. We had a Presidency Welcome Meeting and then we had dinner! We had a workshop entitled -- People and Your Purpose! The whole workshop was explaining how to talk and get the people you are teaching to trust you! It was a very long day! I slept very good from all the crying and the busyness of our schedule.

Thursday & Friday
Waking up everyday at 6:30 am hasn't been too hard but it's not fun! I cannot wait for when my body will get used to waking up! I am so tired during the days and we can't take any naps! That is something else to get used to as well. We have classes all times of the day -- besides breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I am very well fed here at the MTC. I am not saying the food is always the best but I am not very hungry!

My district is great! There are 6 Elders and 8 Sisters in our district. They are the people we are with in our classes every day. We will get to know them pretty well by the end of the 3 weeks here! I am currently doing laundry. Every single dryer is being used. It's crazy how much clothes we all have!

Today, (Saturday) I was able to go to the Provo Temple at 8:15 am! It was great! When I got out of the temple I saw my sisters Katie and Emily and nephews William and Tommy! I love my Family! It was fun being able to see them and love on them! They also left me a special note in our special hiding spot by the temple! My companion doesn't mind!

We have our first lesson on Monday and Sister Risenmay and I cannot wait to get started!

I know that the Lord will bless me and my family for the service that I am giving! I love being able to learn more and get to grow in my testimony of the gospel! I love the life I am living and can't wait to get down to New Mexico!

Hugs and Kisses,

Sister Susanna Tracy

The last photo is Sister Gwilliams, Sister Wallentine, myself Sister Tracy, and Sister Risenmay!

Mirror selfie with (left to right) Sister Risenmay, Sister Davis, and Sister McCord.

Me and Sister Tanner from home!

Here is a little photo of what my room looks like.