Monday, November 25, 2019


Hello everyone! 

I apologize for this email in advance! I didn't write in my journal once this week! 😅 My thoughts maybe scattered and unorganized. But what's new! 

It's almost December and it's still in the mid 60's low 70's! I am blessed.

This week has a hard week. Let me tell you! Grab some popcorn or a snack because I am about to slip some tea on missionary work.

This week was hard we didn't find anyone until Saturday and Sunday! But on the bright side we found seven people to begin teaching! 

A lot of our lessons fell through this week. Which is always a little disappointing. But here in El Paso 8th Ward we only have positive thinking! 

Saturday, November 23.  My companion and I were able to attend a baptismal service with one of the people we are teaching that is on date! It was so awesome! She definitely could feel the spirit that was there and she wanted to follow through with the baptism more fully now! She is so awesome!  Also on Saturday we got to hear transfer news! I am staying with my companion for the holidays! How fun! I am glad I didn't get moved. I love it here in El Paso 8th Ward! This will be my third transfer here! Woohoo!

Sunday, November 24. Oof this was a really weird Sunday. On another note we had two investigators at church! And something else cool, a family of four showed up as well! It was super awesome to introduce ourselves and help them around the church building! We were needed everywhere this Sunday! We helped teach a Young Women's class for a couple minutes, and Primary class and we got summoned to sing in the Ward Choir! When I say Ward Choir, it's just my companion and me and two other sisters. 

Also just a little insert, the rules as missionaries might seem like they are over protective and over the top. But let me tell you. They are not. To my fellow missionaries we need to follow those rules to the "T". I have a strong testimony now because of a situation I was in. If you follow the rules all the time nothing bad will follow. I am grateful that I follow the rules 100%. Follow them my friends! 

Are you all so pumped for the holidays coming up!?! Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years! I am so excited! I am also so hyped about Light The World! I hope you all will participate in the Light The World Calendar! This is truly the best time to serve others around us! I invite you all to watch the videos and read the calendar for the #LightTheWorld initiative! 

Scripture of the Week
D&C 100:4-6

4 Therefore, I, the Lord, have suffered you to come unto this place; for thus it was expedient in me for the salvation of souls.
5 Therefore, verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men;
6 For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say.

I love these scriptures because it shows that the Lord will help us! We are placed where we are in whatever situation it might be for a reason. The Lord knows who we will be able to touch and who needs us. We need to be ready and willing to help all those around us to come unto Christ! We need to always have Christ on our lips! Even if your situation isn't the best, the Lord knows that you will be able to push through it and come out even stronger than we were before! Trust in the Lord! Be an example and always be yourself! 

I invite you all this week to find ways you can be an example to your friends and family! Even if it's not saying bad words or not participating in something that is popular! Always choose the right! 

I love you all! Please pray for me this week! 


Sister Susanna Tracy

1. A desert sunset!

2. Me awkwardly holding a Samoan Book of Mormon. 

3. & 4. Hermana Green and Humble! I love them both to death! Sorry for the blurry photos! 

Monday, November 18, 2019


Hello Everyone! 

Welcome back to my Ted Talk! This week was great! We had Zone Conference! But instead of the normal Zone Conference, it was a Mission Tour! We were able to meet and talk with Elder Ochoa of the Seventy! That was super cool! 

Tuesday November 12,
Service day! We helped out at a food pantry. On our way to service, we missed our exit on the highway and we almost drove into Mexico! That would have not been good. 😅 After service we all went out to eat as a District to a place called Rainbow Fountain! It's really good and really cheap! Service days are fun because you get to have a little break from normal missionary work! 

Thursday November 14,
The South Mission Tour! Like I said earlier, Elder Ochoa and his wife came to speak to us! The meeting was based around Faith that leads to Repentance. It was an awesome experience to hear from him. He also held a Question and Answer Meeting! To get to this meeting we drove 70 miles around trip. 😅 We are a little stressed out with miles because we only get 800 now. But we can and will make it work! Wish us luck.

The rest of the week was not too exciting and not really worth typing out! Missionary work can get a little repetitive sometimes! (A lot of the time) that's why you always have to have a great attitude! Transfers are coming up next week! I may or may not leave El Paso! We will see this Saturday! 

Scripture of the Week
Seminary scripture!
Mosiah 4:9

Believe in God, believe that He is, and that He created all things both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doeth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend. 

I really like this scripture! Especially this week! If we put all our faith in Jesus Christ, we will not fear! Mosiah 4:9 reminds me of D&C 6:36 --  "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." The Lord knows us all individually, if we put our trust in Him things will work out! 

Since Thanksgiving is coming up, I invite you all to write down five things you are grateful for! Developing an attitude of gratitude is the best all year around, but especially this time of year! 


Sister Susanna Tracy 

1. Watercolor of Jesus

2. Last Transfer With Sister Worlton, Elder Van, and Elder Jackson

3.Hermana Humble and Sister Mayti

4.The Hermanas in the El Paso Zone

5. Sister Willson and Me

6. Sister Denkers, and Burrell and Me

Monday, November 11, 2019

NOVEMBER 11, 2019 -- Costco Muffins, Christmas Decorations, and Pictures of Jesus

Hello Everyone

It is November and down here in Texas I am still wearing short sleeves! The weather is beautiful! This week it got into the high 70's and barely touched 80! Needless to say, life is great! To all my Idaho, Missouri pals, rip all the weather you are having (especially my Idaho pals). But I do miss the cooler weather! Enjoy it for me! 

It was a great week! So many awesome things happened! Once again it started out super slow. Last Monday we found one person and then we found six people on Saturday. I guess the area I'm in hates weekdays! 👍

I love Christmas so much. I have decorated my apartment already with all the Christmas decorations I could find! I bought a cinnamon candle and everything. As we have been driving around this week, we have seen so many Christmas decorations up. I love El Paso because we get to skip right to Christmas! I see one or two houses with Thanksgiving/Fall things, but Christmas is where it is at!

Wednesday November 6,
What a fun and exciting day we had at Pep boys. We had to take our car in to get looked at. We have been having a slow leak in one of our tires. I was not very exited about going in and doing this because I have heard that Pep boys takes all day. Luckily we were only there for about 2 hours! I am so glad we took our car in because we had a nail in one of our tires! I am also so glad that nail didn't come out because we had been procrastinating taking our car in for about a month! I am so thankful I didn't have to change a tire on the side of the road! 

Thursday November 7,
Honestly Thursday was a crazy great day!
We put someone we are teaching on Baptismal Date! We are so excited about that! She has come to church five weeks in a row! She is so solid! Now we are just hoping and praying she makes her date! She is scheduled for December 5th! 
Also that same day we were fifteen minutes late to dinner because she had so many questions!😅 

Friday November 8,
District Council today! Sister Willson and I gave a training on the Gift of the Holy Ghost! Then more contact attempts! Missionary work is great!

Saturday November 9,
We had lunch with a super cute older lady from our Ward. She invited us over and we ate little finger foods with her and talked about her exciting life stories! She is a ballroom dancer and talked about all of her dancing experiences. I told her that I took Social Dance at BYUI and I placed third in Tango! She was very excited to hear about that! She set out a lot of food for us to eat and I didn't get very much. She kept telling me to go get more. She is so funny. She brought me water, hot chocolate, eggnog and a mango drink. She kept telling me that I would love the eggnog. I drank a little of it and I remembered that I don't like eggnog very much. It's too thick and weird. After lunch she gave us cute fans and sent us off with snacks and treats! I love this Ward! 

We contacted a lot of people today! We found six people through our efforts in finding! It was a great day! We had dinner with a family in our Ward! They are very fun to be with! Last time we ate with them, I told them that I loved the Costco chocolate muffins. And I shared how my Sister Katie brought me some in the MTC ❤ This family remembered that and they bought me my own box of chocolate muffins! It was so sweet and I was beyond excited! 

Sunday November 10,
What a great Sunday! We had three investigators come and we had two convert little boys come to church! We definitely saw the fruit of our labors! We helped teach a Young Women's class, we taught The Plan of Salvation! It was a great day! 

Scripture of the week

Alma 33:23
And now, my brethren, I desire that ye shall plant this word in your hearts, and as it beginneth to swell even so nourish it by your faith. And behold, it will become a tree, springing up in you unto everlasting life. And then may God grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son. And even all this can ye do if ye will. Amen.

I love this scripture. A lot of the people I have been teaching recently have been having a hard time. This scripture is very simple and says that if we plant the seed within us, by our faith it will become strong and become like a tree! This is so true. I have seen it in the lives of the people we are teaching and in my own! Just like the Primary children's song. "Faith is like a little seed when planted it will grow." I think about that song a lot! 

When we plant our seed and become like a tree, we are better able to lift up our burdens.  When we have Christ on our side we can do all things! Needless to say, when we are on Christ's team, we can not fail!

I invite you all to plant your seed and water it with your faith! Soon enough you will become like a strong tree! 

Sister Susanna Tracy

1. The Bishop's son drew me a picture of Jesus. I love it and think it's very spot on. 

2. The Costco chocolate muffins. Life is great!

3. The fans from a Ward member!

4. One of my favorite photos! 

Monday, November 4, 2019

NOVEMBER 4, 2019 -- Halloween, Mexican Candies, and Miracles

Hello Everyone! 

It was another great week of missionary work!

The week started out super slow. 

Monday night, October 28. 
We ran into some pretty cool people! We got to chat with them for 20+ minutes about their lives and what they believe in. It was a great night! With one of them we even got a return appointment and made her a new contact! Its actually going to be a hot chocolate and donut day at one of the local cafes here in town! I love being able to connect with others and making new friends! We also ran into one of our investigators while we were contacting people, so that was pretty fun! 

Tuesday, October 29
Tuesday was a pretty normal day full of contacting and with two lessons! We actually had a lesson with the investigator we ran into on Monday! It's super cool seeing how excited she is about the gospel and how willing she is to learn more! Third day in a row we have seen her this week. (She also came to Sacrament Meeting last Sunday!) 

Wednesday, October 30
We had a lesson with our friend on Baptismal Date! He is progressing so well! He has a lot of questions still but definitely will be able to make his baptismal date. (With lots of faith and prayer😅) We also had a lunch date with our friend we have seen three times this week! This lunch date makes it four days in a row we have been in contact! She is so amazing and loves being with us! We went out to a Mexican restaurant. Everyone only spoke Spanish and it was a little overwhelming at first. But the food was great! I did try a green chili pepper and let me tell you those suckers are hot. The first couple bits were fine then it gets you real good.

Thursday, October 31🧟‍♀️🧛‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧜‍♀️🤠
Happy Halloween! 
We had to treat today like any other day of the week. We went out and treated to contact people and all of the regular missionary work. Thursday is our weekly planning day so we were inside for a good chunk of the day. We also had interviews with President! Interviews are always great! We got to see some of the Missionaries in our Zone. It was fun getting to chatting with them! 

We had dinner with a super cool family on Halloween. They are the Whitesides. All the kids showed us their costumes and their candy bags/buckets! I love their family! We also got to bond over the fact that we don't like dogs!  After dinner we went over to the Kuykendalls house! We helped pass put candy (and pass along cards) to all of the trick or treaters! The Kuykendalls are so fun and their kids are so cute! I loved being able to get to know them better and hang out with their family for the night. It consisted of trying all the Mexican candies and gagging when trying all of them (all the candies are coated with chili power, I would not recommend trying them. Definitely an acquired taste) and singing Barbie songs with their little girl! 

Friday, November 1
District Council! Same old, same old Missionary Work! 

Saturday, November 2
We had exchanges! I stayed in my area and Sister Willsom went with Montana Vista (a Spanish speaking area) Hermana Humble and I got to spend the day together! I also got to drive the car! I enjoyed it a lot! Our goal for this exchange was to meet our goal for new contacts this week. Our numbers this week was still at 2/8. So we needed to find 6 new people! We had lessons planned for today and half of them fell through! But we really relied on the spirit with knowing who we should contact, talk to, and where to go! We were able to find 6 news that day! It was so awesome!

It was super important for us to find these people because earlier this week, Hermana Green challenged/promised us. She said that if we could find our goal of 8 news before Sunday, that we will have 3 people at Sacrament Meeting. So when Hermana Humble and I found those 6 people on Saturday, I was so excited! Miracles happened today! If you follow the Spirit, you won't be lead astray! 

Sunday, November 3. 
Guess how many people can to Sacrament Meeting. . . drum roll. . . Three people! It was amazing! We found families for them to sit with and fellowship with! Everything went so smoothly! It was fast and testimony meeting and it was a blessing that we didn't have anyone bare their testimony on something strange! It was a great day! We also had dinner by a fire, it was fun! Yesterday was overall one of the best Sundays in the Mission! 

Scripture of the week
Moroni 10:32-33 

Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

We talked about this scripture in Sunday School this week. Christs grace is sufficient for everyone. Everyone who is actively trying to be and become better. Christs gospel is all about progression. We must always be actively trying to better ourselves. There is always something we can be working on! Just like that scripture says, if we come unto Christ and be perfected in Him... then His grace is sufficient for us. 

I invite you all to step out of your comfort zone and do something this week that will help you more progress towards Christ! If that's working on your personal prayers, scripture study, or church attendance. It could be something different! Big or small but whatever it is, do something that will help you progress towards our Savior!

I hope you all had a great Halloween! 
Happy November!

Sister Susanna Tracy