Tuesday, March 24, 2020

MARCH 23, 2020 -- Quarantined... Thanks Corona πŸ‘Ž

Welcome back to another Email from Sister Tracy describing her adventures in Alamogordo, New Mexico. 

On this weeks episode we have a few twist and turns and cliffhangers. 

Tuesday March 17
Happy St. Patrick's Day
We helped serve at the Senior Center! Since the Coronavirus, we have been making to-go trays for all the seniors. We make about 200+ to feed all the people that come through still. It's so crazy how the Coronavirus is affecting everything. I love helping at the Senior Center! It's one of my favorite things throughout the week! 
After service, we went up to Cloudcroft to do some more service! By the time we got up there around 2 pm, they had already done EVERYTHING. So in essence we drove an hour to do nothing. But Terrie (the woman we were doing service for) decided she would teach us how to paint! So of course we aren't going to say no! It was so fun!

Then we had a fun dinner with the Taylor's! We had cabbage, corned beef and potatoes. Happy St. Patrick's day! πŸ˜… it tasted good, don't get me wrong, it was just different! 

Wednesday March 18
We had a great day! We started out with studies! We went to visit Karen and she didn't let us in because she is super scared of the Coronavirus! 

So we said Hi to her through the door and left! We came back to the apartment and did companionship study and some training for Sister Parkinson!
We then headed out to CAPPED to do some service for them! It fun definitely different! We filled bottles with a natural remedy to COVID-19. (I don't know how good it works, we just do what we are toldπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚)

It was such a rainy day in Alamo! I loved it! 

We then had dinner on base with the Tanners! Soup and bread! Perfect for the rainy day! We then ended the day with spanish study! 

Thursday March 19
We got to serve at the Senior Center twice this week! #blessings We love the Senior Center! 200+ meals were made again today. 

We then got a text from Sister Weathersby, telling my companionship that I am a medium risk missionary for the Coronavirus. She then instructed us to stay inside as much as we can! So after the Senior Center, we stayed inside and learned how to facebook find! We also had a super great lesson with a Man named Kody. He listens so carefully when we teach him and he soaks everything in! He is so cool! He wants to be baptized too! Hopefully we will be able to help him make that covenant with God! 

Little did we know that this would be our last meal with members for who knows how long! We ate with the Merrells! They are a cool family! 

Friday March 20
District Council! 
We keep hearing more about this Coronavirus and how we can't gather in groups more than ten people. But district council was still happening! We had a great Council! Elder Nielsen gave a great training about being natural and personable when approaching people! 

After district council, we all got the email saying that we are all quarantined! We don't know how long this will last! It's so crazy. After finding out this news, we went ahead and stayed a little longer in Las Cruces with the other Hermanas (Sister Missionaries)! We went over to their apartment and ate lunch together. They are so fun! We chatted and just got to chill out for a while! 

We also got a modified missionary schedule for all this crazy going on! 

After about an hour or so, we decided to head back to Alamo. It was a sad goodbye with all the Hermanas!! I love them all!

Once we got home we had a chill day at home. This evening was crazy. I had super mixed emotions about everything that was going on. We then called the Hermanas and Hermana Fisk and Humble came up and spend the night with us in Alamo. I love them! We  colored princess pages (thanks Lonnie πŸ€ πŸ‘) 

Saturday March 21
Modified Missionary Schedule! We had a full day at home! It was different but kinda fun! Hopefully it doesn't last for too long! 

Sunday March 22
We were able to got to church at the Taylors! Sister Parkinson gave a talk about staying calm during the storm! It was so good! We then came back and followed the new schedule and ended our day with watching Meet the Mormons! 

Scripture of the week 
Mosiah 24:15

And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma (Sister Tracy) and his brethren (her friends) were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord.

The Lord is always with us! This week has been one of the hardest weeks of my mission! But we do know that the Lord is on our side! The Lord wants the best for us and he wants to keep us safe!  We just need to be patient and trusting. Everything will work out for our benefit! 

Keep the faith y'all !

Love, Sister Susanna Tracy 🀠🌡

Sorry for the long email! 

1. Sister Parkinson and me

2. Sister Parkinson and me being clean

3. Hermana Fisk and Humble and Sister Parkinson after our sleepover

4. Hermana Humble, Fisk, and Parkinson coloring (Thanks LonnieπŸ€ πŸ‘)

5. Hermana Parkinson and me with green chile ice cream!

Monday, March 16, 2020

MARCH 16, 2020 -- Sleepover and Coronavirus!

Howdy Family and friends!

This week has been overall crazy! It's been a super successful one though!

Tuesday March 10
I love helping out at the Senior Center! It's a blast! The people crack me up! After we got all our studies in, we headed up to Cloudcroft! We had some lessons and some contacts! We didn't have a dinner, so we called President and Sister Bell to see if we could eat with them! We ended up going to their place for dinner! They live in Weed, New Mexico. It's a super, super small ranch/farm town! They have one gas pump and a post office! 

It was started to get dark out and there is a lot of wildlife in Cloudcroft. We ended up calling President Weathersby and asked for permission to stay the night! We ended up staying the night at the Bell's house! It was so fun! Sister Bell gave us some nightgowns and she had extra toothbrushes and extra everything we needed! It was so fun! And of course we ended the night with President Bells Ice Cream! πŸ¦ (He makes the best homemade ice cream!)

Wednesday March 11
Day 2 in Weed, New Mexico.
I slept so good. The feather bed I slept in was way better than the bed in my apartment! The Bells are so kind to let us stay the night and take over their upstairs! I hope we will be able to do it again before I get transferred! (Whenever that is.) We ended up spending the day in Cloudcroft and doing a lot of service! We helped out at the Weed Library and at the Weed Mart (once again weed is a town in New Mexico) 

Once we got back into town, we started to hear more and more about the Coronavirus. Our dinner appointment the only thing we talked about was the virus! Thank goodness we bought a 12 pack of toilet paper last week. I guess that is a hot item at the stores! 

Thursday March 12
Happy Birthday Bella! 
We got to go to the Senior Center twice this week! It was great! Once again I have grown to love the seniors! Then afterwards we had weekly planning. Blah. 

During weekly planning is when we heard of the news that we will not be attending church. That was a crazy announcement.

We went to a Relief society Birthday dinner! The last church function for a little while until the whole Coronavirus cools down! It was fun to be with people one last time! 

Friday March 13 
District Councils! I am so glad that we are still able to meet together as a District! Life will be good on Friday! We went on exchanges today! I stayed in White Sands and Hermana Fisk came down to be with me! We found two new people today. Which is crazy successful for this area! People are not the nicest to us or the most interested! So that was a miracle to find those two people!
We had a lesson with Jessica and it went so well! We gave her a trailer for the next lesson and she was dying to hear what we would talk about next time!

Saturday March 14
Happy Pie Day!
Day Two of exchanges! We attended a baptism for someone in our ward! They had it at their house! It was so different but every fun! We also helped out at a thrift store in town! We broke down boxes. And it was kind of disgusting because the boxes were outside in the rain. But I cowgirl up-ed and did it! 
We then drove half way to Las Cruces to end exchanges! It was a Fun exchange! 

Then we drove to dinner and we had pizza because of pi day and a pie! It was fun! 

Sunday March 15
First Sacrament Meeting not at a church building! It was a neat experience to be in Bishop Cox's home and to partake of the Sacrament! I was also asked to give a talk! ha hah! So I shared some of my thoughts about home centered church for about 15 mins! 

We then went out and visited some members and nonmembers! We also had a lesson with some members to teach one of their boyfriends! He wants to get baptized! So that's cool! It was just a good week!

Scripture of the week 

John 4:14
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

I love the Gospel! Jesus Christ wants up to be happy and find peace! When we drink of the water Christ gives us and life the Gospel to its fullness we will have eternal life! That includes eternal happiness and eternal peace! With the Coronavirus going around things are getting pretty crazy! No toilet paper, hand soap, or paper towels! Its crazy! But through Jesus Christ we are able to find peace and comfort during these troubling times! Look unto to Christ! 

Love, Sister Susanna Tracy πŸŒ΅❤🀠

1. Hermana Fisk in front of the Alamogordo sign!

2. Hermana Fisk and me with apple cider vinegar. 

3. The view in front of the Bells house!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

MARCH 9, 2020 -- On the road again... HBD BELLA!

Howdy Y'all! 

This week has been wack! We have been traveling all over the place! 

Tuesday March 3
Amy's Birthday! Happy birthday! 
We had interviews with President in Las Cruces! 130 miles just to stay for 20 minutes. But you've gotta do what you've gotta do! President Weathersby is so awesome! I am so glad that we have such an inspired man that can help us further the work here in New Mexico! 

Wednesday March 4
We helped out at CAPPED! They really didn't have much for us to do, so it was kind of a sit and chat service πŸ˜‚ We went to Mutual tonight! We talked about goal setting and what goals we should set for ourselves! 

Thursday March 5
El Paso! We had a trainer trainee meeting! At 2323 Lee Trevino building! Ahh! the memories from my old church building. We had to be at that meeting by 8 am. We left the apartment by 5:50 am to make it to the members house that drove us down to El Paso! It was fun seeing all of our friends and seeing the new missionaries as well! We learned a lot from President and Sister Weathersby! Once again, I love them a lot! 

Then before we left town, I and stopped by my investigators house and left a note! She didn't answer the door, but she found the note later that day! 

Friday March 6
Las Cruces! What a busy past couple of days! District Council! We had a training on Sacrament trailers and PLP! It was a great council! Afterwards, we went to Pep Boys and spent 2 hours there waiting for our car to get fixed. What a day.

Saturday March 7
Miracles happened today!

We went and contacted a lot of people today. Less actives, potentials, formers. Anyone and everyone you could think of. We didn't get into a lot of homes, but the homes we did get into were definitely because of the Lord! It was just an awesome day with great experiences! 

Sunday March 8
Daylight savings kicked my butt at church. Wowey. I was so tried! We did have an investigator at church with us! So that was pretty cool! 

Scripture of the week 
Alma 38:5
"... I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day."

I came across this scripture the other day during my personal study. I really enjoyed it. Trusting in God can be hard at times. With missionary work, I find myself trusting in God with every single thing I do. I don't know why I am doing some of the things I do, but I know that's what I should be doing! 
Just like the scripture says if we trust in God we will be delivered out of our trials! How great is that! We must have faith to trust! This week I invite y'all to do something that will increase your faith in Christ! 

Love, Sister Susanna Tracy 🌡

1&2 Sister Parkinson and me in front of an apricot tree!

3. Coming back from El Paso! Me and Sister Parkinson!

Monday, March 2, 2020


This week was pretty good! I was able to attend a baptism in El Paso for one of my investigators! 

Tuesday February 25
We helped serve at the Senior Center. They have entertainment every single time we go and this week's entertainment was belly dancing. Oh my word, I never want to see grandma's belly dancing ever again. I am not saying they were bad, it just wasn't pleasant for the eye and I'll be honest it was terrible! It was so funny to watch though! I definitely got a kick out of it!

We went up to Cloudcroft and did some more service for a family that lives up there! We helped haul wood and clean her sun room! Afterwards, they showed us how to blacksmith a knife out of a railroad spike! It was really cool watching that! I felt like I was at Navuoo or Branson! 

We spent the day in Cloudcroft and had dinner at a members house. On the way over, we saw so many elk. Probably around 15. It was neat! 

Wednesday February 26
We had a lesson about "Come Follow Me" with Karen! That was super fun! Then we went out to Lunch with the Nielsen's in Timberon! We went to this little hole in the wall restaurant that charges too much for their food. But it was great! We meet up with some members and got to visit with them for a while. It's about an hour and a half drive from Alamo to Timberon. Our lunch appointment was five hours long. Rip to our day, but it was super fun! Then we went to Mutual (Youth Group Meeting) later and I love the youth! They are so fun!

Friday February 28
Breakfast with the Carr's! They are such a cute couple! I love getting to talk with them! After breakfast we raced over to Las Cruces for Zone Council! It was an awesome meeting! It was also the Nielsen's last meeting with everyone! Rip. 

Once we got home we had enough time to get all our studies in and then go to dinner! We went out with the Nielsen's and Zachary at a place called Si, Senors. It was pretty good! Everyone here loves green chile! I got the hottest chile on my burrito and it wasn't too bad. My nose was just running the whole time I was eating! πŸ˜‚ 

Saturday February 29
For anyone who has been following me since I left El Paso, then you might remember a fellow I was teaching. He is the coolest person I think I have ever taught! His family is so cool and they have a neat story! I was able to come down from Alamogordo to attend his baptism. I was able to say the opening prayer. Before I said it, he looked up at me and said, "Make it spicy."

Here is the back story to "spicy".
Cameron told us that sometimes the Book of Mormon can be a little dry and boring. I looked at him during that lesson and said just wait till you get to Alma.  From that point on, it gets real spicy. It was so funny after the fact! 

His baptism was awesome and the spirit was so, so strong! I was so glad I was able to attend!

This week has been so great! I love being able to be a missionary and see the change in people's lives! The Atonement is real! 

Scripture of the week 
Samuel 22:33
God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.

I love this scripture! Without Him we are nothing. We need to more fully rely on the Lord and his counsel to us! Because when we do, great things happen! He makes us strong and gives us the power to accomplish the things we need to do! 

Sister Susanna Tracy πŸŒ΅πŸ₯‘πŸ€ 

1. The Baptism in El Paso

2. Cloudcroft

3. Cloudcroft 

4. Sister Parkinson and Me

5. Elder Nielsen, Sister Parkinson and the Elders up in Cloudcroft .