Monday, December 30, 2019

DECEMBER 30, 2019 -- Merry Southwestern Christmas and Happy New Year!

Get ready for all the pictures. I have a ton for y'all! This week was crazy busy!🤠🥳

Tuesday December 24
What a day! We were all over the place. We spent the early afternoon at a members house, the William's! We made and decorated cookies and played games! We had a lot of fun and enjoyed each other's company! Then later that day we went to another members house, the Coutlees! We played Candyland with the kids, decorated gingerbread houses, Jenga, ate candy and treats! We also had dinner over there too! It was fun to be around others and to stay busy on Christmas Eve and Day because its can be hard being away from family! After the Coulee's house, we went back over to the Williams. We helped make more cookies and went out and delivered them to friends! It was a fun day! Once we got home we were able to call family! It was great talking with them and hearing about their Christmas. After my companions and I got ready for bed, we turned the lights out and watched Mr. Krueger's Christmas!  It was a fun end to the day!

Wednesday December 25
Christmas day! I woke up at 5 am on my own because I am still a child and I still get excited! (But then I went back to sleep.) We started out the morning like any other missionary morning, we went and worked out! It was fun seeing all the other Hermanas (Sisters) on Christmas Day! After we were all finished working out, I made everyone sing a Christmas song before we left and took a selfie! 

After we came back to the apartment and got ready for the day, we opened our presents! Let me tell you, Santa delivered 👌 .

I was able to call my family and they got to open my presents with me! It was super fun and it felt like I wasn't far from home! 

We then went to breakfast at the William's house! I love their family and their willingness to have us over again! Then we proceeded to the Jesters house! The YSA (Young Single Adults) Elders were over as well! It was a party! We played what do you meme! We ate a late lunch and hung out! Then on to the Barmores! We ate tamales and everything else that goes with them!

Then we went back to the Jesters. The Elders and the Jesters were out roping in the street. I asked if I could try. I missed on my first try, but once they told me it was all in the wrist, it was a game changer. I was able to rope a little saw horse thing with horns twice in a row. I am becoming a real cowgirl. Yeehaw (I'll post the video on Facebook)!

Thursday December 26
This day is kind of a blur. I don't remember too well what I did! We helped out at a food bank and spent the day contacting and the normal missionary stuff.

Friday December 27
We had District Council and then the Hermanas in Montana Vista East, came out to Dell City with us! We saved up our miles this month to go out there. It's about an 1 hour and 30 minute drive out there! It was a road trip! I have included some of those photos down below! It was super fun! It is a very, very small town. People waved at us and also looked at us like what are you doing here! We found a couple people who are ready to hear the gospel! And we were blessed because we planned to use 200 miles and we only used 185 miles! We also had dinner at the Gilmore's Ranch! It was super fun! We also jumped on their trampoline! Merry Christmas to us! We were so far East that day that our phones were thrown into the other time zone! Crazy! 

Saturday December 28
We helped a referral move into a storage space! We had members and other missionaries out helping us! It was a miracle with all the people who came out! Then we had awesome lessons! We went to Sister Sullivan's house and got to fellowship with her! I love that lady! 

Then we left to go to a lesson! It was a super awesome lesson, because he had dropped us and we were able to meet with him again! He is so elect!

Sunday December 29
It was a normal Sunday! At church we had three investigators attend! Blessings! And we had lessons and a dinner planned for the rest of the day! What a great day!

Scripture of the week 

20 My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.
21 He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always there for us. No matter what the problem or situation, they will help us. Through Jesus Christ and his atonement all things can be made light unto us. He will lift us up and help carry our load. If we call upon His name, He will help us. Just like the scriptures say, He can and will be our support and lead us through our own personal wilderness. He can also calm our hearts and fill us with love. I love Jesus Christ and his gospel. I invite you all to make New Year's resolutions that involve Jesus Christ. If that's reading your Book of Mormon more, saying personal prayers, it can be anything! Make a goal that will help you come closer to Him. I know as you do this you will be able to feel His joy and be perfected in Him! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Sister Susanna Tracy 

1. A piece of fallen cactus and Hermana Young in Dell City

2. Hermana Taylor, Young, Willson and me in Dell City

3. The Hermanas and me on Christmas day!

4. Hermana Young, Taylor, Willson and me out in front of the Dell City sign

5. Me stepping on Hermana Young

6. Christmas cookies I decorated 

7. Dell City once again

8. Christmas Eve with the William's

9-11 Christmas Eve with the Coutlee Family!

Monday, December 23, 2019


Hello Everyone! Christmas is upon us! I can not wait to celebrate!

December 17 -- Tuesday 
We went caroling with the youth in our ward! It was so fun to be with them and to visit all the less actives and members in our ward! Then after we all came back to Sister Graham's house for treats and hot chocolate! It was a fun night! 

December 18 -- Wednesday 
We had a day full of contacting former's and less actives! It was definitely a slow day. A new family in the ward had a lot of gently used blankets, towels, sheets and boxes of food for us to give to those in the ward who are in need! It was awesome being able to help and bring the true meaning of Christmas to those who are in need this time of year! Christmas is awesome! 

December 19 -- Thursday 
We love Christmas so much that we went caroling again! This time with our dinner appointment! After dinner, we all piled into the car and drove around to people we are teaching and friends houses! Then afterwards we went out for ice cream! This ward is awesome!

December 20 -- Friday 
We had district council like normal! Hermana Young, Hermana Taylor and Hermana Green all gave great training. We talked about the apostasy and how to find investigators effectively. They talked about these things in a way I have never thought about before! After council, the senior couple came to visit and brought us king sized candy bars and trail mix for Christmas! 

Later that day we helped out at a ward members house who is moving the second week of January! We are going to miss them so much! We have loved going to their house and spending time with their family! We helped them clean and get the house ready to sell!

December 21 -- Saturday 
We had a Mission Christmas Party! Everyone in the South got together and watched the movie the fight preacher and played games and had a white elephant gift exchange! It was fun being able to see friends that had gotten transferred and be able to talk with them! I also loved that we got to celebrate Christmas! It was super fun! 

December 22 -- Sunday 
It was an awesome Sunday! We had three come to church! We also sang in the Christmas program! It was a lot of fun! We got a lot of Christmas treats! Our investigators loved the program! I mean any time that the Primary kids sing, it's going to be a good Sunday! 

Scripture of the week 
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Luke 2:14
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

These Scriptures and many more remind us what Christmas is about. It's about Christ's birth. 

Have you ever thought what it would be like if we didn't have a Savior? We would have no happiness. No hope through trials. No peace. No eternal families. No chance to change. No eternal life or resurrection. This life would just be the end of it all. But because we have a Savior, Jesus Christ. He has made all things possible for us. We can have hope in our trials and in the future. We can live with our families again. We have the chance to change and be forgiven of our sins! Jesus Christ is the gift that truly keeps giving! He wants to help us in anyway He can. We just have to reach out and take the first steps back to Him. Wise men still seek Him. I invite you all to Seek Jesus Christ this Christmas! Make every day Christmas by living in harmony with Christ's teaching. True happiness, peace, and joy will come from it! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! I love you all! 
Eat and drink all the Christmas foods for me! 

Sister Susanna Tracy 

1. Sister Willson, Hermana Young and Taylor at Taco Bell

2. Sister Willson, Sister Griffith, and Elders Jackson

3. Elder Vail, and Hermana Thunell

4. Some of the missionaries in my zone!

5. Sister Mayti

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Hello Family and Friends! 
Yes,Sister Tracy survived another week in El Paso, Texas. 

Actually El Paso, isn't too bad. The weather is great! This week the high was 70 and the low was 50. I didn't even have to wear a jacket most of the week! It's crazy! It doesn't even feel like Christmas! 

Tuesday December 10
Another day serving at the food bank! It's always super fun to go do something a little different each week! 

Thursday December 12
We had two solid lessons! One of our lessons was a first lesson, it was so powerful! We taught The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our investigator already knew that the Book of Mormon was true. We invited him to baptism and he accepted! It was so awesome! Now we have five people on date! Now we just need to help them all make their baptismal date! 

At our dinner appointment, all the power went out after the food was prepared. We ate dinner by an oil lamp! It was kind fun, but also a little scary because we were out in the middle of nowhere.

Friday December 13
The Ward Christmas Party! 
I love events and get-to-gethers! They definitely make life more fun! At the Ward Christmas party, a super awesome ward member made me some corn casserole. It was so good. I think that was the only thing I ate that night! 

Sunday December 15
We had two investigators come to church! We had dinner with one of our investigators. We had tamales and a soup that I can't remember the name of. But in the Mexican culture they eat it for the holidays! 

This past week I finished reading the Book of Mormon! Woohoo! 

Scripture of the week!

2 Nephi 25:26
And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.

This time of year is a great time to bring Christ back into our lives! Christmas is truly about Christ. He is the gift that doesn't stop giving. He gives us hope, peace, happiness, and joy. He can help us become whole again. I challenge you all to do as the scripture says, talk about Christ, rejoice in Christ, preach of Christ! Give yourself the best Christmas gift ever and let Christ in, or back into your life. He will accept you with open arms! He loves you and knows you personally. 

I hope you all have a great week! 
Continue to Light the World! 

Sister Susanna Tracy

1. My cute dinner plate at a members house

2. Hermana Young and I recreating a photo from one of the pamphlets

3. A quote!

4. A another quote! 

Monday, December 9, 2019

DECEMBER 9, 2019 -- Christmas Missionary Concert, and Miracles!

Wowwey. It's been another week. This whole week has been crazy! Absolutely nuts! But that's what makes mission life memorable, I guess! 

Tuesday December 3
In my District down here in El Paso, there are more Hermana's then we have apartments for. I guess its against the law to have four adults staying in a one bedroom apartment. Long story short, we had to move another bed into our apartment for another sister to sleep with us! But instead of that companionship splitting up, my companionship split up at night. I wasn't too happy hearing that I had to move most of my belongings into another apartment. (Especially since I have already been living here for three transfers, I had quite a bit of stuff ha ha) But I put on a happy face and did it. I moved all my bedding and some of my stuff over to the other apartment. It was like being on exchanges every night! It wasn't bad -- just wasn't what I had in mind! 😅👍

Wednesday December 4
I am still sleeping in the other apartment. Party Party! We went out to lunch with an investigator! It was so fun! We had a lesson at her house and then afterwards, we went out to lunch and got Chinese food! It was a good change from all the Mexican food we have been eating!

Thursday December 5
Weekly Planning and Interviews with President! We spent most of the day at home planning out our week. It takes forever. We had interviews with President later in the day! I really enjoy when I am able to talk with him and ask questions! I definitely look forward to this every transfer! 

Friday December 6
The whole mission is putting on a Christmas Concert with all the missionaries in all the Zones! We sang in the choir, some played the cello, violin, flute, clarinet, piano, and the organ! It was super fun! We spent all day learning and practicing the music! It was a good break from the normal every day missionary schedule! I wish you all could have been there to hear and feel the spirit that was present throughout the whole program! 

Saturday December 7
This was a crazy day but also a day of many miracles! 
We have been in a trio for half of the week with an Hermana (Spanish speaking sister missionary). One of the cars that the Hermana's use was completely dead. We had to call up a member and have him help jump start their car. (Shout out to Brother Jester!!) That was a miracle in and of it itself because there was a football game on ha ha. Another miracle that happened that day, I dropped my phone from a two story building. It also landed screen down. That day was already not going so good and I thought I had just killed my phone. But once I got down the stairs to pick it up, it didn't even have a scratch! #blessings

Sunday December 8
Church was great! We had three investigators attend! One of them we have never met before! And he is so solid! Another miracle, the 11th Ward Elders brought their investigator to our Ward and the investigators ride left. The Elders had to find someone to take her home after sacrament. They texted us during the middle of the meeting to ask for help. For the whole meeting I am texting everyone in the ward if they could take this lady home after sacrament. No one replied. Long story short, right after the closing prayer we were able to find someone to take this lady home. That was stressful but we did it! We also hit standards this week! Woo Hoo! For dinner we went over to a members house and watched the Christmas Devotional! It was a lot of fun! 

Scripture of the week 
Mormon 5:23

Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? Know ye not that he hath all power, and at his great command the earth shall be rolled together as a scroll?

I read this scripture during my personal study this week. I think sometimes we forget that we are in the hands of God. He is helping us become the person He knows we can be. We just need to trust in Him and His timing. He has all power! 

I invite you all to look for the hand of God in your life. He is there, we just need to take a second look or a step back and see all the blessing He is giving us! I hope you all had a great week! Continue to Light the World this Christmas season!

Sister Susanna Tracy!

1. Just another quote

2. Sis Willson and Me 

3. Sis Willson, Hermana Young, and Me

4. Sis Hymas. I love her lots!

Monday, December 2, 2019


Happy Thanksgiving everyone and happy birthday to my sister Betsy!! 

I hope you all ate a lot of food!  This past week has been great! Much better than last week! 

Tuesday November 26 
We had service at the food bank! It was a fun day! We didn't have to sort frozen meat that day! I was really excited about that! It was the last day of service before transfers! It was a crazy day! Then afterwords we all went out to eat together as a district! 

Wednesday November 27
Wednesday was full of contacting and last minute grocery shopping for Thanksgiving! We went and picked up plants and cute little bags for our Thanksgiving dinner appointments. Walmart was a mad house! Holy Moly, I do not want to go to Walmart again on Thanksgiving week. 

Thursday November 28
Thanksgiving day! 
We spent four hours helping cook Thanksgiving dinner at a members house! Holy Moly it was a lot of food and pies! We helped make fifteen pies. It was crazy! All kinds of pie too! I am really proud of my cherry pie crust! (I will have a picture at the bottom of the email!) From that four hours of experience, I'm practically a professional baker now. I specialize in pecan pie, lemon meringue pie, cherry, and pumpkin. We then went over to another members house and ate some dinner and called our families! It was a busy Thanksgiving! But super fun! I learned that making pies isn't that hard, but they take a long time to cook! 

Friday November 29
We had Zone Council! A lot of new missionaries are in our Zone this transfer! It was fun getting to know everyone and set goals for this transfer! We also had a music practice for a Christmas concert that we missionaries are putting on! Let's hope it is good! We don't have that much time devoted to practicing!

One more day till the end of the month and we managed to save about 100 miles to go out and visit people that live really far away. We spent sixty miles yesterday contacting people that live about forty-ish minutes from our house! It was so fun! Two of our contacts live by a place called Hueco Tanks. It's a state historic park! I think you can camp, rock climb, and other outdoorsy things. We took photos by the huge rock obviously! What else would we have done? Lol

Saturday November 30
Last day of the month! 
Another day fun of contacting and finding! We still had sixty miles to kill! We tried to plan our day super unorganized mile wise. We thought we did a good job of it too, until we checked the mileage halfway through the day. We had only gone ten miles and it felt like we had been driving all day. We decided to continue to our schedule. After dinner we didn't have any lessons or appointments to be at. We decided to get to know our area a little bit better and use our miles! We drove all over the place and stopped for all the people we saw (so we could talk with them!) It was a crazy fun two days, especially when you have the miles to do whatever you want! 

Sunday December 1
Happy Fast Sunday.
Church was great! We had an investigator show up and better yet she was fasting! We talked about fasting in our last lesson and it was super cool to see her implementing it into her life! More contacting and finding! We had a few lessons today as well! Sunday was a great day! We were in the right places at the right times! At dinner we held a members pet snake! It was so cool! I had never held a snake before in my life! By the end of the night it became my good friend!

Scripture of the week 
3 Nephi 12:14-16

Verily, verily, I say unto you, I give unto you to be the light of this people. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.

 Behold, do men light a candle and put it under a bushel? Nay, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house;

Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Since it is December now, the "#LightTheWorld Initiative" has started! I picked these scriptures in 3 Nephi because during this month, we are asked to shine our light a little brighter! "#LightTheWorld" is something that is so simple and gives us an opportunity to share our light with others! Anyone and everyone can do it! You can find the calendar for the service prompts at 
Join in and be example of Jesus Christ and help others feel the true meaning of Christmas! 

I invite you all to participate in #LightTheWorld! Share it with your friends and family! Let them know the reason for the season!

Have the best week ever! Remember who you are and stay hydrated! And #LightTheWorld this Christmas season!

Susanna Tracy

1. A cute little quote

2. Another Cute Little Quote

3. Sister Willson and me at Hueco Tanks

4. Sis Willson and me at Hueco Tanks

5. The Cherry Pie I helped make!

6. Hueco Tanks

7. Hueco Tanks

Monday, November 25, 2019


Hello everyone! 

I apologize for this email in advance! I didn't write in my journal once this week! 😅 My thoughts maybe scattered and unorganized. But what's new! 

It's almost December and it's still in the mid 60's low 70's! I am blessed.

This week has a hard week. Let me tell you! Grab some popcorn or a snack because I am about to slip some tea on missionary work.

This week was hard we didn't find anyone until Saturday and Sunday! But on the bright side we found seven people to begin teaching! 

A lot of our lessons fell through this week. Which is always a little disappointing. But here in El Paso 8th Ward we only have positive thinking! 

Saturday, November 23.  My companion and I were able to attend a baptismal service with one of the people we are teaching that is on date! It was so awesome! She definitely could feel the spirit that was there and she wanted to follow through with the baptism more fully now! She is so awesome!  Also on Saturday we got to hear transfer news! I am staying with my companion for the holidays! How fun! I am glad I didn't get moved. I love it here in El Paso 8th Ward! This will be my third transfer here! Woohoo!

Sunday, November 24. Oof this was a really weird Sunday. On another note we had two investigators at church! And something else cool, a family of four showed up as well! It was super awesome to introduce ourselves and help them around the church building! We were needed everywhere this Sunday! We helped teach a Young Women's class for a couple minutes, and Primary class and we got summoned to sing in the Ward Choir! When I say Ward Choir, it's just my companion and me and two other sisters. 

Also just a little insert, the rules as missionaries might seem like they are over protective and over the top. But let me tell you. They are not. To my fellow missionaries we need to follow those rules to the "T". I have a strong testimony now because of a situation I was in. If you follow the rules all the time nothing bad will follow. I am grateful that I follow the rules 100%. Follow them my friends! 

Are you all so pumped for the holidays coming up!?! Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years! I am so excited! I am also so hyped about Light The World! I hope you all will participate in the Light The World Calendar! This is truly the best time to serve others around us! I invite you all to watch the videos and read the calendar for the #LightTheWorld initiative! 

Scripture of the Week
D&C 100:4-6

4 Therefore, I, the Lord, have suffered you to come unto this place; for thus it was expedient in me for the salvation of souls.
5 Therefore, verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men;
6 For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say.

I love these scriptures because it shows that the Lord will help us! We are placed where we are in whatever situation it might be for a reason. The Lord knows who we will be able to touch and who needs us. We need to be ready and willing to help all those around us to come unto Christ! We need to always have Christ on our lips! Even if your situation isn't the best, the Lord knows that you will be able to push through it and come out even stronger than we were before! Trust in the Lord! Be an example and always be yourself! 

I invite you all this week to find ways you can be an example to your friends and family! Even if it's not saying bad words or not participating in something that is popular! Always choose the right! 

I love you all! Please pray for me this week! 


Sister Susanna Tracy

1. A desert sunset!

2. Me awkwardly holding a Samoan Book of Mormon. 

3. & 4. Hermana Green and Humble! I love them both to death! Sorry for the blurry photos!