Tuesday December 24
What a day! We were all over the place. We spent the early afternoon at a members house, the William's! We made and decorated cookies and played games! We had a lot of fun and enjoyed each other's company! Then later that day we went to another members house, the Coutlees! We played Candyland with the kids, decorated gingerbread houses, Jenga, ate candy and treats! We also had dinner over there too! It was fun to be around others and to stay busy on Christmas Eve and Day because its can be hard being away from family! After the Coulee's house, we went back over to the Williams. We helped make more cookies and went out and delivered them to friends! It was a fun day! Once we got home we were able to call family! It was great talking with them and hearing about their Christmas. After my companions and I got ready for bed, we turned the lights out and watched Mr. Krueger's Christmas! It was a fun end to the day!
Wednesday December 25
Christmas day! I woke up at 5 am on my own because I am still a child and I still get excited! (But then I went back to sleep.) We started out the morning like any other missionary morning, we went and worked out! It was fun seeing all the other Hermanas (Sisters) on Christmas Day! After we were all finished working out, I made everyone sing a Christmas song before we left and took a selfie!
After we came back to the apartment and got ready for the day, we opened our presents! Let me tell you, Santa delivered 👌 .
I was able to call my family and they got to open my presents with me! It was super fun and it felt like I wasn't far from home!
We then went to breakfast at the William's house! I love their family and their willingness to have us over again! Then we proceeded to the Jesters house! The YSA (Young Single Adults) Elders were over as well! It was a party! We played what do you meme! We ate a late lunch and hung out! Then on to the Barmores! We ate tamales and everything else that goes with them!
Then we went back to the Jesters. The Elders and the Jesters were out roping in the street. I asked if I could try. I missed on my first try, but once they told me it was all in the wrist, it was a game changer. I was able to rope a little saw horse thing with horns twice in a row. I am becoming a real cowgirl. Yeehaw (I'll post the video on Facebook)!
Thursday December 26
This day is kind of a blur. I don't remember too well what I did! We helped out at a food bank and spent the day contacting and the normal missionary stuff.
Friday December 27
We had District Council and then the Hermanas in Montana Vista East, came out to Dell City with us! We saved up our miles this month to go out there. It's about an 1 hour and 30 minute drive out there! It was a road trip! I have included some of those photos down below! It was super fun! It is a very, very small town. People waved at us and also looked at us like what are you doing here! We found a couple people who are ready to hear the gospel! And we were blessed because we planned to use 200 miles and we only used 185 miles! We also had dinner at the Gilmore's Ranch! It was super fun! We also jumped on their trampoline! Merry Christmas to us! We were so far East that day that our phones were thrown into the other time zone! Crazy!
Saturday December 28
We helped a referral move into a storage space! We had members and other missionaries out helping us! It was a miracle with all the people who came out! Then we had awesome lessons! We went to Sister Sullivan's house and got to fellowship with her! I love that lady!
Then we left to go to a lesson! It was a super awesome lesson, because he had dropped us and we were able to meet with him again! He is so elect!
Sunday December 29
It was a normal Sunday! At church we had three investigators attend! Blessings! And we had lessons and a dinner planned for the rest of the day! What a great day!
Scripture of the week
20 My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.
21 He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always there for us. No matter what the problem or situation, they will help us. Through Jesus Christ and his atonement all things can be made light unto us. He will lift us up and help carry our load. If we call upon His name, He will help us. Just like the scriptures say, He can and will be our support and lead us through our own personal wilderness. He can also calm our hearts and fill us with love. I love Jesus Christ and his gospel. I invite you all to make New Year's resolutions that involve Jesus Christ. If that's reading your Book of Mormon more, saying personal prayers, it can be anything! Make a goal that will help you come closer to Him. I know as you do this you will be able to feel His joy and be perfected in Him!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sister Susanna Tracy
1. A piece of fallen cactus and Hermana Young in Dell City
2. Hermana Taylor, Young, Willson and me in Dell City
3. The Hermanas and me on Christmas day!
4. Hermana Young, Taylor, Willson and me out in front of the Dell City sign
5. Me stepping on Hermana Young
6. Christmas cookies I decorated
7. Dell City once again
8. Christmas Eve with the William's
9-11 Christmas Eve with the Coutlee Family!
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