Tuesday, January 28, 2020

JANUARY 27, 2020 -- GOT CHALK?

Hello everyone! Yes it is that time again where y'all get to read the good and the bad of my week! It was actually not a bad week. A lot of funny things happened, but not a bad week. 

Tuesday January 21
We were told that Zone Conference was today! We woke up early to get ready and we had an hour drive and a lot of miles ahead of us. Once we got to the church building, not a lot of people were there yet and only our zone was on time! Twenty-ish minutes go by and the Zone Leaders call all missionaries into the building. Zone Conference wasn't actually happening. They canceled it at the last minute but forgot to tell our Zone! 😁 You can imagine our faces once we realized we used all the miles to come down here and nothing is actually going to happen. But to make the best out of the situation our whole Zone went out to breakfast and we instead had a Zone Council! It was fun! Afterwards some of us went to Chick Fil A. It was a fun day! 

Wednesday January 22
We did service at a place called CAPPED. We helped clean individual tiles to be used for crafts and then to be sold for a fundraiser. It's an interesting place to help out! We also had the usual work for the rest of the day. Finding! We also were able to go to New Beginnings for the Young Women! 

Thursday January 23
Weekly Planning! 🥴
Service at the Senior Center. We helped serve food! Thursday was a super busy day. I guess it was the thing to do. We were trying our best to shovel all the food on trays and making it look somewhat delicious! I have made my decision --  I don't want to work in a kitchen. Don't get me wrong it's fun and all but I don't like working with food or smelling like food afterwards! 

Friday January 24
We were able to go out finding today and we chalked out the Plan of Salvation very simply! 

It was super fun and people were looking and asking lots of questions! Our dinner appointment canceled on us, but we were able to go to a super cool family's house that loves the missionaries. They were also having a birthday! We were able to hangout with them and have an enjoyable day. We ended the dinner by playing apples to apples with everyone! Birthday party's rock!

Sunday January 26 
Sunday is my favorite day! I love being able to chat with the ward members and to get to know them a little more! 

Scripture of the week 
3 Nephi 18:24 
Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen me do. Behold ye see that I have prayed unto the Father, and ye all have witnessed.

We have been sharing this scripture a lot with the members down here in Alamogordo, NM. We love the scriptures that talk about shining our light for others to see! We should be always shining our light. If that is through our words, actions, and our example. People can see the light we have! I invite you all to shine your light more fully! Brighten someone's day by sharing the light you have! 

Sister  Susanna Tracy 

1. Sister Huffaker and me by a HUGE cactus


2.  Sister Huffaker and me at our canceled zone conference

3. Sister Huffaker and me by some petroglyphs!


5. Sister Huffaker, myself and Sister Peterson

6. Sister Huffaker and I after playing with chalk! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


What's up friends! This week has been crazy. Sorry for the late email, usually I am very on top of things. The weeks are going by faster and faster. I hit my FIVE month mark last Tuesday! My mission has gone by crazy fast. 

Alamogordo is treating me fairly well. It will take some getting used too! 

Tuesday January 14
My FIVE month Mark! Woohoo! We went out to breakfast with a member of the ward. He always takes out the new missionary that comes to the Alamo to a small, hole in the wall, breakfast diner. It kind of reminded me of the Cinderella story with Hillary Duff. The tradition is that I don't order and he orders for me. The thing he ordered me was HUGE, thank goodness I didn't have to eat all of it. It was a big piece of chicken, hash browns, eggs, toast, ham, and bacon. All covered in green chile sauce. It tasted good. It was something I would never order myself but it was good. 

Later that day we helped serve food at a Senior Center! It was fun being able to brighten people's day and talk to them!

The rest of the day was a lot of finding. We are trying to increase our teaching pool here!

Wednesday January 15
Same old same old. Studies and finding! We also did service at a place called CAPPED. Some more finding and then dinner and a lesson! We found these people last week and we went to their house and we were not expecting a Halloween life sized clown at the door. It definitely gave us the creeps. But all was well and it was a great lesson!

Thursday January 16
It was a great day! We helped make cookies with the Cloudcroft Branch Young Women! The branch only has one young women.  We went and became friends with her! We went to the Nielson's house to make cookies! Elder Nielson used to work in a bakery so it was super fun to watch him make the cookies and watch him hand drop the cookies on the pan! 

We also got to go to a members house and have him help us with our Spanish! It was super fun and awesome! It was our first time getting together so it was a lot of getting to know each other and what level we are at! We definitely got some good things learned! 

Friday January 17
District Council! We drove down to Las Cruses with the Nielsons! We gave a training at District Council over testimonies! We talked about when to share them and how to grow our testimonies! It went really well! After council we went to Sam's club with the Nielsons because they needed groceries and we got some pretzels and looked at pillows! Then on the way home we napped. It was awesome! I love naps that are longer than fifteen minutes.

We had a couple lessons. It is great to be teaching people! 

Saturday January 18
We went to a community yard sale and tried talking with people and finding people to teach! We ended up hanging out with a person we know and we got snow cones! The snow cone place was called Swamp Donkey. Isn't that an awesome name hahahah. I got spicy apricot and sour apple. It didn't taste as bad as it sounds. But my mouth was a little on fire afterwords. But #worthit 
We had a lesson with a bible basher. We have been running into a lot of them recently. But we did our best being nice and getting out of there without arguing with her! 

Sunday January 20
Church was great! It's hard getting the members to feed us out here. I started walking up to people and handing them the dinner calendar and almost forcing them to sign up 😂😂 .

Later that night we had a scare with our oven. We thought we smelled something burning and something was. It was the parchment paper that we put on the pan. It was really spooky! But the cookies still tastes good and we are still going to hand them out to people! 😂👍

This week has been crazy! I left out a lot of details! But wowey missionary work is very rewarding. It is very special to see the Atonement work first hand in the lives of the people we teach. 

Scripture of the week 
1 Nephi 8:15

And it came to pass that I beckoned unto them; and I also did say unto them with a loud voice that they should come unto me, and partake of the fruit, which was desirable above all other fruit.

This week in Come Follow Me, we read about the Tree of Life. This verse talks about how Lehi wanted to share of the tree's fruit with his family! What can we do to beckon unto those to come and partake of the blessings of the gospel? How can we be better examples of Christ?

I invite you to ponder on that this week, and think of someone you can share the message of the gospel with. Because it can truly change lives for the better!

Love, Sister Susanna Tracy

I have been not very good at taking photos of myself this week! But here are some photos I did take this week or pulled from the Internet! 😁🤠

Monday, January 13, 2020


Hello Friends and Family! 

As you can tell from the title, I am not in Texas anymore! It was sad to say goodbye to some of the great people I have met, but I am so excited to be in this new area and for all the new opportunities that are ahead of me!

I am now in the small town of Alamogordo, New Mexico! It's about a two hour drive from El Paso, Texas. It feels so homey, it's almost like I am back in Harrisonville!

Monday January 6
I was able to go out to lunch with some of the best girls in El Paso! The Gilmore Girls! I love them lots! We went out to sushi because I really wanted some and where I am at now has no place to get sushi! It was super fun hanging out with them! Later that night I was able to say goodbye to some awesome families! The Jesters and the Barmores! I love them so much! They made me feel like I was at home every time I came into their home! 

Tuesday January 7
Another Crazy Day full of goodbyes and see you laters! We had breakfast with the Barmores! It was so much fun being able to fellowship with them one more time! I was able to have one more lesson with a super cool girl we are teaching! It was hard to leave but I will be hopefully going down for her baptism! I was also able to say goodbye to Sister Sullivan and Sister Dihan. I love those two! They are like my grandmothers! ❤

We had dinner with the Mechams and I put on their roller skates after dinner and rolled around the kitchen before we had to go! They also sent me off with some Costco Chocolate muffins! They most definitely know the way to my heart! (I held them the whole car ride up to Alamogordo!)

Wednesday January 8
I was so stressed out while packing. Like whole moly I have a lot of stuff. I just keep reminding myself that I am not gone for the weekend, I am gone for 18 months. We packed all my things into the car, said goodbye to all the Hermanas in El Paso and headed to the transfer site! Like I said earlier, I held my Costco chocolate muffins proudly ha ha. Once we got to the the transfer site, we unloaded everything, switched companions and I was on my way to Las Cruses. Once we made it to Las Cruses, I found out I still had an hour drive to my area! Alamogordo is an hour away from Las Cruses! I met my companion, loaded my thing in the car and headed off. 

Thursday January 9
My first full day in the area! Everyone was so nice and welcoming! We unpacked, met lots of people and got to know the area a little better! 

Friday January 10
Zone Council! We drove an hour to go to Zone Council. It was fun being able to meet all the new missionaries and to set new goals for this transfer! We set some pretty high goals --  me and Sister Huffaker! (My new companion) It was as awesome meeting! One of the best Zone Councils I've been too! 

Saturday January 11
Finding and Contacting! Being in a new area gives me a confidence that is unreal 😂 I hope it stays for ever! I love my new companion Sister Huffaker, and we are killing it here in Alamogordo!

Sunday January 12
Church is at 11:30! It was great! I love this ward! After Church we went to the senior missionaries house for lunch! We had pancakes, bacon and eggs! They are so nice! 

Alamogordo is definitely different but it will be good! Hopefully we will be able to find the elect and share the message to everyone! 

Scripture of the week 

Alma 29:14
But I do not joy in my own success alone, but my joy is more full because of the success of my brethren, who have been up to the land of Nephi.

Missionary work can be hard and sometimes discouraging! But we have to keep our head up! My favorite thing to hear is when another companionship has had success! I love being excited for them and with them!

Have a great week everyone! 

Love, Sister Susanna Tracy 

Sister Huffaker

Hermana Hymas

Me and Sister Huffaker

The Young Women from 8th Ward, El Paso, TX

The Young Women from 8th Ward, El Paso, TX

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

JANUARY 6, 2020 -- TRANSFERS! HBD Scarlett ❤

With sadness in my heart, I am getting transferred from El Paso 8th Ward. I loved loved loved it down here in Texas. The people are so open to the gospel message and so receptive to learning. I will definitely miss Texas. I think my dream would to be transferred back down to this ward and finish my mission in the good old lone star state!

This week has been great! Crazy but great! 

Tuesday December 31
Our Mission President asked us to be in our apartments by 4:30 pm on New Years Eve. I thought that was a crazy early time, but hey I still obeyed and was home by 4:30 pm. Throughout the day, we visited people and did a lot of contacting and we also went to a Young Women's New Year activity for the last little part of our day! It was super fun! I love the Young Women in this ward! 

Once we made it back to our apartment, our Mission President gave us a list of things to do. We had to make dinner and clean our apartment! But it was a competition throughout each Zone with who could have the best looking meal and the cleanest before and after pictures of the apartment! Some of the companionship apartments were absolutely disgusting. I was so glad that they had the opportunity to clean 😂😂

Wednesday January 1 
We had to stay in our apartments all day. Our Mission President called it 'Day with the Lord.' He gave us a list of things to do hour by hour. We were asked to read 3 Nephi, A lot of Conference talks/BYU Devotionals and a lot of chatting with your companion about what you just read and so on and so forth. It was a great day! I definitely learned a lot about myself! Even though it was a little sad not being out and about that day, we still had fun and rang in the New Year! 

Thursday January 2
We finally got back into the swing of things. Everyone we were teaching didn't want to meet during the holidays and I don't blame them. Ha ha. But we finally were able to get back in with a couple people we were teaching! Its awesome to see Christ work within them and to see the true desire of changing and progressing on the covenant path! I am so blessed to be able to see this process and to help them along. Like I said, we had lots of lessons and also a lot of contacting. 

Friday January 3
We had an impromptu exchange! After district council today, we had to go to the Toyota dealership to get something done to our car. I couldn't tell you what we had to get done but oh man, did it take forever. We were there for about three hours. It was so jam packed with people! After we got finished at the dealership, we got to go on exchanges with Montana Vista West Sisters! Hermana Green and I went to the Spanish area and Sister Willson, Hermana Thunell and Larson came to my area! Let me tell you Spanish is weird. I could understand most of what they were talking about, but I could not say anything back to them. At the end of the lessons, I could only testify about our Savior Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon. I think that is still pretty good, but it was a little overwhelming when the person we are talking to looks at you and expects you to know Spanish and talk fluently. It was definitely a learning experience!

Saturday January 4

We had some awesome lessons today! And a successful day of contacting! We had a lesson with an awesome investigator! We were able to set his date with him! We are excited to see him get baptized! We also were able to help clean and prepare our favorite family's house and help them move. It was a sad day, but a super fun one as well! We were able to help make a huge dent in cleaning and then after doing that for four-ish hours, we went to this awesome Japanese restaurant. The sushi was super good! It was a good end to the day!
Also we got to find out transfer news! ................. I am getting transferred from El Paso 8th Ward to White Sands, New Mexico. I am definitely super sad to leave. But I know that the Lord needs me some where else! 

Sunday January 5
Fast and Testimony meeting! It was a great spiritual Sabbath! Me and my companion both bore our testimonies. When I was telling everyone that I will be transferred, tears definitely were flowing not just from my face. The ward is super awesome! It's nice to be in a spot where so many people are watching out for you, and love you. The rest of the day was spent crying with members and saying goodbye! It was hard but I have all their facebooks! 😂❤

El Paso 8th Ward has a big place in my heart. I have seen a lot of miracles happen in this town. For example, putting five people on date in one transfer! That was definitely a miracle. But what I have learned here in this area is that no matter where you go, you can make anywhere a holy place. I love the members and all the people we are teaching ❤

Scripture of the week 
Alma 13:24
For behold, angels are declaring it unto many at this time in our land; and this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory.

I love this scripture. I do believe that Angels are helping us throughout our lives. I also do believe that Angels could and can be us missionaries and even members. As we share the gospel we are bring joy and peace into others lives. They will be able to feel the true love of Jesus Christ within them. For them we are Angels! Never underestimate the effect of planting a seed. Always be an example of the believers! This week I invite you all to make a New Year's Goal that will help you come closer to our Savior Jesus Christ! Now is the perfect time to make changes and goals for ourselves! I know that as you do so, you will be able to feel the peace and comfort that the Gospel can bring!

I love you all! Happy New Year!

Sister Susanna Tracy 

1. Hermana Young and Taylor

2. Hermana Young, Willson, and Taylor!