Tuesday, October 29, 2019

SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 -- Missionary Monday Yesterday!

Hello friends! 

I know its Tuesday and I am emailing. But don't worry, I have permission to do so! 

Yesterday we spent the whole day driving up to Albuquerque. Which is a four hour drive up! We left at 5:45 am. I was in a twelve passenger van for over eight hours. Don't get me wrong it was very fun, we were all just very squished! We became very close friends very fast.

Once we made it to Albuquerque, we went through the LDS Albuquerque Temple! The Albuquerque Temple is made out of a pink stone almost! It's so very pretty! I have never seen a pink temple! (You would have to see it to believe me that its pink)

But it was fun seeing all my MTC friends that came to this mission with me. Shout out to Sister Risenmay, Wallentine, and Gwilliams. Much love to those girls! It was so fun seeing them and being able to catch up with them!

This week has been kind of a blur. Nothing really too pressing to share with you all. We did have three Investigators at church this Sunday! That was awesome! We got to sit with them and I was able to answer questions and thoughts they had about the service! I have found a love for sharing the gospel. I don't want anyone to be left from the fold. Even though sometimes it's hard to knock on doors and be bold, I know that's what I am called to do. 

D&C 100:4-5 -- 

Therefore, I, the Lord, have suffered you to come unto this place; for thus it was expedient in me for the asalvation of souls.
Therefore, verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people; aspeak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be bconfounded before men;

These scriptures are definitely a pick me up when I don't feel like I know what to say!

I am grateful to be here in the El Paso area and to be able to share the gospel with people I come in contact with. I love my Savior and I know that He is the way. I also know that He is the answer to any question you are having. He is able to comfort your heart and heal you.

I commit you guys to share with someone your testimony this week. It doesn't have to be long it can even be just telling someone that Jesus loves them or that they are a child of God. 

I love you all and wish the best for you this week!

Scripture of the week! 

Alma 26:12
Yeah, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever. 

God is a loving Heavenly Father, through Him anything is possible!


Sister Susanna Tracy

Sorry for all my spelling and grammar errors, I can never find the time to read back through! The field is white and ready for me to harvest, time to get back to work!

1. Myself with the Mission President's wife, Sister Weathersby

2.Me and my companions and the temple! Sister Worlton and Sister Willson

3. Sister Wallentine, and Gwillam at the temple! Only missing Sister Risenmay

4. Sister Worlton, Sister Clark and Sister Nickels!

5.Sister Willson, Worlton, me, Hermana Green, Humble, and Mayti

SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 -- El Paso Strong 💪

Hello Everyone! 

What a wild week it has been! I left the MTC last Monday and made it safely to Albuquerque, New Mexico!

I love it down here! It's so hot and dry out here! It's something I will definitely have to get used too! I saw my first wild cactus and succulents! It's so fun looking out the window and seeing all the fun plants that we don't have in Missouri!

I spent the first two nights in the Mission home! I love President and Sister Weathersby! They are so cool! September 4, Wednesday Morning was when President officially announced where the greenies (newly arrived missionaries) would be transferred. It was a long two and a half waiting and thinking of all the places I would be able to serve. 

That morning I found out that I would be serving in the El Paso 8th ward! How fun! I have never been to Texas before and it has definitely been a treat! That same morning I packed my stuff on a truck and took a four hour drive down to the West Texas town of El Paso! It was different looking out of the window and seeing nothing but dirt and sand. I am used to green grass and trees everywhere! It was a long trip but it I traveled down with three other super cool sisters! It was super fun getting to know them and growing a friendship with them! 

Once we made it to El Paso, we dropped our stuff off and went out knocking! That night I am found my very first new! (A new is someone who wants to learn more about the Gospel of Christ. You have to teach one principle, extend a commitment, and make a return appointment) I found him and started talking all by myself! It's great that I am not shy around new people! I love talking to people. Even though I have been out for one week, I have grown to love sharing the gospel and to not let someone pass by without trying to talk to them.

Later that night we went to Walmart to pick up some food and things we need for the rest of the week. We had checked out and started walking out of Walmart when my companion Sister Worlton asked why that jar of jam wasn't in a sack. I STOLE ON MY 1ST DAY IN THE MISSION FIELD.😱 Of course I went back in and paid for it, but it was super embarrassing and so fun walking back in with a jar of jam and paying for it.

Oh my goodness there are so many dogs in El Paso. For those who do not know, I am afraid and allergic to dogs/animals. We will be walking down the street and huge pit bulls and I mean huge dogs will be jumping to see over the six foot tall stone fences around the yard. That's another thing I will have to get used too. All of the dogs. 

Also there are ice cream trucks in literally every single neighborhood we are in. I have not bought an ice cream yet but when there is a day when ward members don't give us dessert, I will buy an ice cream! 

I gave a talk on my first Sunday in the field. It's true the newbies will speak or at least bare their testimony! BEWARE!

Since El Paso is the furthest South in the mission there are a lot of Spanish speakers down here. We are learning Spanish, or at least trying to. But I am so excited to be able to speak a little to the people I will be meeting! There are nine companionships in the El Paso area and only two of them are English speaking. Wish me luck while learning! Hopefully I will be able to learn what I need to! Pray that I will be able to receive the gift of tongues!

Scripture of the week! 
(If you saw my Facebook post you already know)

3 Nephi 5:13
Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare with word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

Even though I have been out for one week, I have seen the hand of God in my life and I have seen the Spirit work through me. I can not wait to find more people to teach and to share the gospel to the people of El Paso, Texas! 

Pray that I will receive the gift of tongues and that my fear of dogs will slowly fade away!

I love you all and you are all in my prayers! Good luck with school and all of your endeavors!

Sister (soon to be Hermana) Susanna Tracy 

1. Right outside of the airport! Meeting President and Sister Weathersby for the first time!

2. Mexico and the Border! Driving on the highway in El Paso and you can see right into Mexico!

3.Sister Risenmay and me with the Albuquerque temple behind us!

4. There are ice cream trucks EVERYWHERE 

5. My first weekly planning and I could hang any longer! I tried to stay awake but I couldn't! I am in a trio, Sister Worlton in the middle and Sister Willson on the right!

AUGUST 31, 2019 -- Elevator Scare Three @ The MTC

Guys!  It is my last week at the MTC!  I am so excited to get out in the mission field!  Life is great and our Heavenly Father is even better!  This week has been crazy, but I know that it is going to get even crazier!

Sunday -- August 25, 2019

Sister Risenmay and I taught the lesson in Church about the Restoration and the Great Apostasy!  It was a great discussion!  Having Sunday School with missionaries is never boring! Everyone has great insight and a different way of thinking!

Monday -- August 26, 2019

Nothing really too exciting happened.  We had class all day today.  Learning how to share the gospel and teach the lessons.  We had a TRC and it went well.  Nothing too exciting happened during our lesson, but she did commit to the invitation that we extended!  So that's pretty neat!

Tuesday -- August 27, 2019

Class all day and then we had a great devotional!  Gerald Causse, the Presiding Bishop of the Church was the speaker.  It was a great devotional.  He talked about being a bold missionary and bore his testimony of boldness by playing the piano at the end of his talk.  My goal throughout my mission is to be a bold missionary while still being humble and Christlike.

Wednesday and Thursday --  August 28-29, 2019

These days are pretty much the same.  Class work.  Practicing teaching and working on memorizing the first three lessons along with its lesson points.  My body is finally used to waking up and getting ready.  My favorite part of my day is when I get to have personal study!  I love deepening my faith and own conversion with our Savior Jesus Christ!  It is great!  I love this Gospel!

Friday --  August 30, 2019 

Our last full day of class work!  We had to say goodbye to our favorite teachers and that was kind of hard, but I am on to bigger and better things!  After a long day of class work, my district and I get on the elevator to head to dinner.  My companion had a really great thought.  She is rather physically strong (big forearms) she uses all her divinely given strength to pry the elevator doors wide open.  (Maybe like 4 inches)  The elevator lurched to an abrupt stop.  My knees immediately buckled and my head began to spin.  I thought I was going to meet my Maker.  We were only in the elevator for about five minutes, but it felt like a lifetime!  Once the elevator began to start again, everything was fine!  The doors opened and my companion made a break for freedom.  She ran straight to the bathrooms.  As I followed quickly behind, three security guards came rushing to the elevators, not thinking anything about the sisters that fled the scene, we were safe.  But the Elders who were along for the ride took the fall . . . Literally.  What a funny story!  Something that I will not forget!

Saturday -- August 31, 2019

THE LAST DAY OF AUGUST!  I love P-day and this is my P-day at the MTC!  I have been packing and talking to family all day!  I also love

OCTOBER 28, 2019 -- Look outside yourself 🧚‍♀️

Hello Everyone! 

I apologize for the short and not well thought out email this week. I am not at home and I do not have my journal near me.

This week has been pretty slow. Things did not go as planned. But hey, we are great at going with the flow. 

Here is a photo of me and Sister Willson! We were out finding and not having any luck. Sometime you just need to take sometime for your self and swing!

I love this quote by Sister Marjorie Hinckley. I love love love her book, Small and Simple Things. 

These are cute little future missionary tags we handed out at the ward trunk or treat! 

Scripture of the Week

Alma 27:18
Now was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness.

Joy comes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we are truly trying to be Christlike and love the people around us, we can also find joy and happiness. 

In the book by Marjorie Hinckley, Small and Simple Things, there was a beautiful quote that really turned my week around. 

"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead!" Also another cute quote "Each of us can ask ourselves each morning. 'What can I do to make life happier for someone today?" 

Sometimes we need to look outside ourselves and see if someone else needs our help. As a missionary, that is our whole purpose. We are here to help others come unto to Christ! 

Talking with people about Christ really brightens my day. It's an awesome feeling helping someone come closer to our Savior! 

I want you all to find a way to serve someone. Look outside yourself and find someone in need of a kind word or action!

Have a great week! I love you all!

Sister Susanna Tracy

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

OCTOBER 21, 2019 -- Transfers, Dogs, and Amish Friendship Bread! 🤠

Hello Friends and Family! 

It's been a great week here in El Paso,Texas.  Eighth Ward has been treating me very well. I love the people down here! 

This week has been great! 

Wednesday, October 16. 
Sister Worlton was transferred out of our trio! So, on Tuesday, October 15, it was a day full of running around and saying goodbye to members and people we are teaching! We ate at Olive Garden that day. Holy moly, I was stuffed. Then we had dinner two hours later. I didn't eat too much of it. Don't get me wrong, it was great, but I just couldn't do it! Pasta is so heavy. 

At one of the houses we were saying goodbye at for sister Worlton, their little dog was out. And this dog's name is Poncho, he is crazy. You do not want to mess with him. Poncho es del diablo. As we were saying goodbye on the doorstep, somehow I upset him or something (I have no clue what happened).  I was wearing a longer dress and I am thinking when I stepped back that the bottom of my skirt hit his face. He bite the bottom of my dress and would not let go!! I hate dogs. I will never have a dog. So that was a nightmare. I do not like Poncho. Poncho es muy mal.

Like I said, Sister Worlton was transferred up to Albuquerque! When we were on our way to drop her off we got to drive through downtown El Paso. It was neat but nothing too special, just tall buildings and lots of people! We did see Mexcio and the Border! 

The rest of the week was pretty normal! One of the people we are teaching is in the military and he was gone for a month for a training. He got back on Saturday and that same day he texted us and asked us to come over and to talk more about Jesus! It was so great because I didn't know if he was going to be interested when he came back from his training! That was a real blessing! He has so much potential! 

Friday, October 18. 
We taught a Seminary Class! It was so fun! We also made homemade Amish Friendship Bread (thanks to Nathan, Kensie and Maddy for teaching me. hahaha). It tasted so good and the kids loved it! Zone Council today! We got to meet all the new missionaries in our Zone! This transfer we only had three or four new missionaries in our Zone. It's always fun meeting new people! After Zone Council we went out finding and we found five people that night! #blessings 

The mission life is great but it's also hard. I am learning a lot every day! And I am becoming better friends with the members in our ward! Dinner time is my favorite time because I get to relax a little and not worry as much! 

Scripture of the Week!
I was reading in Mosiah 24 the other day. I think I have found my favorite chapter in the Book of Mormon! I love everything about this chapter! But verse 13 and 14 are really great.

Mosiah 24
13 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.
14 And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.

I love these scriptures! The Lord will help us and will not leave us hanging! 
One of my favorite quotes is from Thomas S. Monson -- 
"Remember that the Lord will shape the back to bear the burden placed upon it." All of the hardships we go through are here to help us come closer to Christ. He is helping mold us into the person He knows we can become! Christ will mold us so that we will be able to bear the burden placed upon us. It own be easy but it will be worth it in the end! Another quote I read the other day (I am going to paraphrase it) The ultimate end goal is to return to Heavenly Father and to become like Him. "Gods are not whimps."  

Even when we feel like we are having the worst day ever, there is always something good and positive within the situation. Always look for the good! Life is hard but the Lord knows what we can handle! Trust in Him and in His redeeming love! I love being a missionary and I love sharing messages of hope and peace to people who do not know where to turn too. 

I challenge you all to try and find five things you are grateful for every day and write it in your journal before bed! Once you get started you will find that it's easy to see the good in your day and in your life! 

Have a great week everyone! Take care of yourselves. Go to a pumpkin patch for me and a corn maze and all the spooky things this season! Stay hydrated! 

Sister Susanna Tracy

1. My favorite people! Sis Worlton, Elder Van, Elder Call, and Hermana Hill on our Preparation Day.

2.More of my favorite people! Elder Wach, Sister Worlton, Sister Willson, and Elder Jackson.

3. Our friend Leo!

4.Our other friend Georgina!

5.Me and Sister Willson!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

OCTOBER 14, 2019 -- You do not find the happy life, you make it!😊

Hello Everyone! 

Another Week has come and gone. And matter of fact, it has been one whole transfer! I have been out in the mission field for a whoping six weeks! This was the slowest, yet fastest six weeks of my life. 

Tuesday --  October 8. 
Every Tuesday  we help out at a local food bank! This week nothing too crazy or funny happened at the food bank! Just a good old time moving meat into different cardboard boxes. When you have a good attitude about your situation, everything becomes a blast! Also after service my companions and I got "whataburger"! It was a very heavy and filling meal. I think I gained 10 pounds. 

Wednesday -- October 9. 
President Weathersby's (our Mission President) Birthday! We are in the south part of the mission so we really couldn't do anything too fun besides say happy birthday! Lately, the gym has become my best friend. I have been trying to work out a lot harder this week. I find that when I work out I am able to relax and de-stress. If anyone has some good workouts, SEND THEM MY WAY. I am always looking for new ways to workout so I am not bored! But, oh man, how I love my workout time. Also my sweet mother sent us pizza for dinner! We had no one sign up for dinners this week because of General Conference. That pizza was a life saver mother! I ate it for that whole week! What would I do without my mother? I Love you mom!

Thursday -- October 10. 
This day was rather slow. I hate when things are slow or when people are slow to get things going or finished. I am a very fast paced person and I want to get things done! When it comes to this, me and my companions are a little different. It's not bad, but it's hard adjusting to someone who doesn't want to match your work ethic. It's hard staying equally balanced! Today we had dinner with a very, very less active military family. He invited us in because he said "I know what it's like to not have a home cooked meal every night".  Little does he know that we are always being fed home cooked meals.  Haha.  But we were very grateful because no one signed up for dinners this week! He fed us tacos and it was pretty yummy! 

Friday -- October 18. 
District Council! Last one for the transfer! After District Council, we had lessons lined up back to back! I love these days! We were able to have members in two of our lessons as well! It was an overall great day! We taught some dang good lessons and we were able to have return appointments with all the lessons we had! Bless up!👍 I am definitely starting to grow to love the people here in El Paso! I love it down here!❤ Also the Spanish is coming along a lot smoother. I am still at a 3rd graders level of learning, but hey -- progress is progress! 

Saturday -- October 12. 
Another busy day! We were running from place to place! (I absolutely love these kind of days!) We went to a baptism for a little girl in our ward. We were walking out of the building and Sister Worlton thought she lost the car keys. We walk to the car to see if they are still in there, and come to find out they are still in the car. The keys were in the ignition. The car was on and running for over an hour. 👍 But at least the car wasn't locked and the car wasn't stolen. God is good! 

Sunday -- October 13. 
We had a family come to Church! I love when you are able to see the fruits of your labor! The family is not baptized yet but hey, at least they are taking that step in coming to Church! One step at a time!

The Scripture for the week is: 
2 Nephi 2:2

Nevertheless, Jacob, my firstborn in the wilderness, thou knowest the greatness of God; and he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain.

I love this scripture. And I am relying on this scripture. God will consecrate my afflictions and your afflictions for our gain. I have been hit with a trial this week and instead of thinking woe is me, I have been trying to think "What am I going to  learn from this? How can I grow from this experience?"  When you think about trials and opposition with a positive mindset, your situation gets a little better!
The talk "Opposition in All things" by Dallin H. Oaks given in 2016 April General Conference is a great talk! It is definitely one of my pick me up talks. One thing from his talk really helps me stay positive.  "Opposition permits us to grow toward what our Heavenly Father would have us become." 
Through this trial we are becoming what Heavenly Father wants us to become! I love that! 

A quote that my mother has on our fridge at home "You do not find the happy life. You make it!" Start now to make your life happy! Choose to be happy!

I hope you all have a great week! Know that Heavenly Father is aware of you and loves you! I love you all! Sorry for the super long email this week! 

Sister Susie Tracy

1. Jesus and Patricia! We love them! They are so funny and a joy to be around. Jesus is helping me learn mas espanol!

2. Sister Worlton and Willson. Sometimes you need a slushie. 

3. Thanks Mom for the Pizza! 

4. Bored missionaries in Walgreen's waiting for a prescription to be filled.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Hello everyone! 

Another week has gone by! This week has been good! General Conference was great! I loved every second of it!

On Tuesday October 2, we went to serve at a Food Bank. We sort beef, pork, chicken... yum. 

While we were sorting meat, the funniest thing happened. There were teenage boys helping us that day from "juvenile detention". They were pleasant to be with -- don't get me wrong. The whole time I kept hearing from the boys "yo my homie is too scared to talk to you. You should go talk to my friend over there." After about 15 minutes of hearing this, that boy came and talked to me.  He said, "Hey! I think you are really cute." All I replied with is, "Do you want chicken?" So now -- that is a running joke between us missionaries --  Do you want some chicken?  Ha Ha

We had a lot of lessons this week and we found eight new investigators this week! Oh yeah! I have definitely found fun in the work! Nine more days until transfer day! Then I won't be a baby (new missionary) anymore! 

We had Zone Conference this week! 

We had three men come talk to us about how to learn Spanish. They came all the way from the Provo Missionary Training Center to help us! It was very helpful! Hopefully I will be able to learn more very soon! I also got an "Hermana" tag (Spanish word for "Sister")! So hopefully soon I will learn Spanish soon! 

Scripture of the Week 
D&C 25:10
And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better.

Truly become converted unto our Savior Jesus Christ!

Blessing will come as you will follow the Commandments! Have a great week everyone! 


Sister Susanna Tracy

1. Sister Worlton and me at Zone Conference!

2. Sister Worlton, me, and Sister Willson!

3.  Packages from home are great!