I apologize for the short and not well thought out email this week. I am not at home and I do not have my journal near me.
This week has been pretty slow. Things did not go as planned. But hey, we are great at going with the flow.
Here is a photo of me and Sister Willson! We were out finding and not having any luck. Sometime you just need to take sometime for your self and swing!
I love this quote by Sister Marjorie Hinckley. I love love love her book, Small and Simple Things.
These are cute little future missionary tags we handed out at the ward trunk or treat!
Scripture of the Week
Alma 27:18
Now was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness.
Joy comes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we are truly trying to be Christlike and love the people around us, we can also find joy and happiness.
In the book by Marjorie Hinckley, Small and Simple Things, there was a beautiful quote that really turned my week around.
"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead!" Also another cute quote "Each of us can ask ourselves each morning. 'What can I do to make life happier for someone today?"
Sometimes we need to look outside ourselves and see if someone else needs our help. As a missionary, that is our whole purpose. We are here to help others come unto to Christ!
Talking with people about Christ really brightens my day. It's an awesome feeling helping someone come closer to our Savior!
I want you all to find a way to serve someone. Look outside yourself and find someone in need of a kind word or action!
Have a great week! I love you all!
Sister Susanna Tracy
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